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  • Writer's pictureNeil Harrison

First Entry

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Queue raised eyebrow emoji and innuendo bingo style expulsion of drink. So, in typical technical document fashion the first thing I’m going to write about on my technical review blog is a piece introducing the blog and the scope and purpose of the review articles I will write.

As I have already done so in the ‘about’ section, I will briefly explain the reasons why I am writing this blog, what I’m looking to get out of it and what I hope you as the readers will get out of it.

I like writing. I like science and tech. I am good at writing. I am good at science and tech. I am good at writing about science and tech in a way which is accessible to a range of expertise and technical levels. I like discussing and writing about science and tech.

Well there you go, that was easy.

Next, scope.

Pretty much anything that is classed as science and technology is within scope. However, at least initially what I write about will be determined by what I am personally interested in and of which I have a reasonable understanding of the basic principles. I will take requests, however, and will hold regular votes on which subject to cover in the next review. What gets voted on will be influenced by a combination of recent breakthroughs or technology releases and individual requests. Good examples are: battery technologies for electric vehicles, 3D printed rockets or challenges of supersonic flight. I will try and find the balance between being too high level (rendering the review uninformative) and too deep on details. This will ultimately guide the sphere of what I will discuss for any given topic. The best thing to do though is read one or more of my kick-off articles and you can make your mind up from there.

Finally, purpose.

The purpose, or aim, of the articles is to inform people about interesting or new technologies, discoveries, or concepts with just the right amount of detail to be interesting but at a level that is accessible to those not intimate with the science or technology. References to the articles I have read for the review will be available at the bottom of each post, so you can conduct further reading or check out the sources I've used (don't worry, I'm not just expecting you to take my word for it).

So there we have it. First entry complete. Next up black holes… just kidding, it’s touch probes.

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